Javascript Best Practices
Table of contents
- Avoid Global Variables
- Always Declare Local Variables
- Declarations on Top
- Example:
- Initialize Variables
- Declare Array with Const
- Example:
- Don't Use new Object()
- Example:
- Beware of Automatic Type Conversions
- Example:
- Use the === Comparison
- Example:
- Use Parameter Default
- Example:
- Always End your Switches with Default
- Example:
- Avoid Number, String, and Boolean as Objects
- Example:
- Avoid Using eval()
- Was this post helpful to you?
These JavaScript best practices can help with enhanced performance, quicker page loads, more readable code, and simpler maintenance and debugging. Well-developed code can also aid in preventing security flaws and errors.
Avoid Global Variables
The use of global variables should be minimized
All data types, objects and functions are included here
Other scripts may overwrite global variables and functions
Instead, utilize local variables and become familiar with closures
Always Declare Local Variables
All variables used in a function should have their local variables specified. If neither the var nor the let or the const keyword is used, when a local variable is declared, it will be transformed into a global variable.
Declarations on Top
All declarations should be placed at the beginning of each script or function as good coding practice. This will result in:
A cleaner code
Give users a single location to look for local variables.
Reduce the likelihood of unwanted re-declarations
Make it simpler to avoid undesirable (implied) global variables.
Declare your variables at the beginning
// Declare at the begining
let firstName, lastName, birthYear, currentYear, age
// Use later
firstName = 'Blessed';
lastName = 'Joseph';
birthYear = 1987;
currentYear = 2022;
age = currentYear - birthYear;
Initialize Variables
When you declare variables, you should always initialize them. This will:
Provide a cleaner code
Provide a single location for variable initialization.
Avoid using undefined values.
Declare Array with Const
Declaring arrays with const prevents accidental type changes
let cities = ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chocago'];
cities = 3 // changes array to number
const cities = ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chocago'];
cities = 3 // not possible
Don't Use new Object()
Instead of new String(), use " ".
Instead of new Number(), use 0
Instead of using new Boolean(), use false
Rather than new Object(), use {}
Instead of using new Array(), use [].
Instead of using new RegExp(), use /()/.
Instead of using new Function(), use function (){}.
let a = ""; // new primitive string
let b = 0; // new primitive number
let c = false; // new primitive boolean
const d = {}; // new object
const e = []; // new array object
const f = /()/; // new regexp object
const g = function(){}; // new function object
Beware of Automatic Type Conversions
JavaScript is a loosely typed language.
A variable can hold any type of data.
A variable's data type can be changed:
let c = 'Hello'; // typeOf c is string
c = 5; // changes typeOf c to a number
Use the === Comparison
Prior to comparison:
the == comparison operator converts (to types that match).
The === operator requires a value and type comparison:
0 == "" // true
1 == "1" // true
1 == true // true
0 === "" // false
1 === "1" // false
1 === true // false
Use Parameter Default
When a function is called with an unspecified argument, the value of the unspecified argument is set to undefined.
Undefined values can cause your code to fail. Assigning default values to arguments is a good practice.
function myFunction(a, b) {
if (a === undefined) {
a = 0;
Always End your Switches with Default
Always include a default at the end of your switch statements. Even if you believe it is unnecessary.
switch (new Date().getDay()) {
case 0:
day = 'sunday';
case 1:
day = 'monday';
case 2:
day = 'tuesday';
case 3:
day = 'wednesday';
case 4:
day = 'thursday';
case 5:
day = 'friday';
case 6:
day = 'saturday';
day = 'unknown'
Avoid Number, String, and Boolean as Objects
Numbers, strings, and booleans should always be treated as primitive values, not as objects.
Declaring these types as objects slows execution and has negative side effects:
let a = 'Blessed';
let b = new String ('Blessed');
(a == b) // is false because typeOf a is 'string' and typeOf b is 'object'
Avoid Using eval()
The eval() function is used to run text as code. But in most cases, it should not be necessary to use it.
It also poses a security risk because it allows arbitrary code to be executed.
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